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Conscious Future

Our Conscious Eye On
- Tribe Hotel

Conscious Hotel

Concious Hotel Tribe 01
Concious Hotel Tribe 02


Nairobi, Kenya

Nearest train station

Nairobi Railway Station

The Originals

Shamim Ehsani

At Nairobi’s Tribe Hotel, connection is at the core of the concept. Inspired by nomadic days, when travelers were welcomed with genuine hospitality, wholesome feasts, and an interested audience for swapping stories, Tribe sees us all as part of one tribe—humankind—and works to foster both inclusivity and respect for the natural surroundings. The hotel is located just minutes from Karura Forest, Nairobi’s green lung, where the Tribe team has arranged tree planting and offers guided tours where guests can connect with nature. Back on property, there are two gardens—one set on a former dumping site and another on the rooftop—that provide ingredients for the kitchen. Tribe provides space each Friday for the Masai Market, where local traders sell their wares to travelers and the community.

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Tribe Hotel converted the rooftop terrace into an organic garden, used renewable concrete bricks for construction, and worked with a local team. 

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Food waste is composted for the organic gardens. Discarded linens are used to produce bags for laundry, shoe-polishing, newspapers, and gifts.

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The hotel uses efficient appliances and heating/cooling systems, a low-emissions hot water boiler, and LED lights that save over 80% in power consumption by lighting.

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In addition to water-efficient devices and appliances, Tribe has its own water treatment plant for staff drinking water and provides glass bottles and tumblers for guests.

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Products & Produce

Tribe sources herbs from its own organic garden and buys fixtures, produce, and decor from the local community whenever possible.

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Each Friday, the hotel provides space for the Masai Market, where local traders sell their wares to travelers and the community.

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Guests are encouraged to join guided nature walks through the Karura Forest and can visit trees planted by the Tribe team along the way.

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Healthy Workplace

Tribe hires locally and provides health insurance and equal development opportunities for employees. Staff transportation is done by carpooling to lower the carbon footprint.

Learn about our Conscious Hotel Principles

We spoke with the team at Tribe Hotel to learn the latest on the hotel’s conscious journey.


What is your sustainability philosophy?

Tribe was conceived from the simple belief that we coexist on a single planet and there is only one Tribe that matters: humankind.

How do you forge a connection to the local community and cultural surroundings?

We are very involved in the community. We consistently strive to promote environmental sustainability by raising awareness about regenerative living within our community and beyond. Some of our our outreach activities include community clean-ups, tree-planting in the Karura Forest, donating food to the local orphanage, and more. 

What do you see as the biggest sustainability hurdle for hotels? How are you combating that?

The cost of executing eco-friendly initiatives can be prohibitive. To help manage the costs, we have decided to undergo our modifications in phases.

Featured Hotels

T Tribe Hotel Nairobi Kenya

Tribe Hotel

Nairobi, Kenya

Featured Hotels

T Tribe Hotel Nairobi Kenya

Tribe Hotel

Kenya, Nairobi
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